The Ultimate Guide for Beginner's to the gym | Supplements guide for beginner's | Best supplements for fat loss
The clock is ticking. Are you becoming the person you want to be?
The most important things you got to know:
- Diet
- Supplement
- Goal
Firstly we talk about the goal
- Weight loss
- Fat loss
- Muscle Gain
- Strength
What matters the most is "what is the purpose of your decision to join the gym"
Now on this basis, we are going to talk about the exercise-
- Weight loss: Cardio, Hit workout but it's not merely restricted to running on a treadmill or just sweating. It includes a mixed activity targeting all your muscles. Point to remember: You can't just lose weight in a few weeks. Consistency and proper nutrition are important.
- Fat loss: Mostly people join a gym to lose fat but remember you can't lose fat in a targeted area. For fat loss, you must indulge yourself in a mixed session of strength (low intensity) and Hit Workout. Nutrition plays a main role in fat loss. As it's said- "Get fit in the gym. Lose weight in the kitchen." If we talk about its Nutrition: There are 3 basic things i.e carbs, fats and proteins. We would strictly not prefer to cut out all the edibles (which most of people do) because that's unhealthy. You have to make sure you consume all the micros. But the important thing is that you have to lessen the consumption of fats as well as carbs and focus more on protein consumption. Now the newbies are confused about the supplements, We would prefer that after 1 month of consistency, you should opt for BODY SENSATION WHEY PROTEIN + which is available in various flavors
- Birthday Cake
- Kesar Kulfi
- Irish Choco bay
- Cookies and Cream
- Mango Delicious
- Brew Cafe
It will provide 24 grams of protein per scoop and will simultaneously put an end to your sweet craving as well (because cutting out sugary edibles is an important factor leading to fat loss)
We generally see that when newbies visit the gym because of a lack of knowledge, the coaches hand them over the Isolate protein which is not made for them. People who are professionals and compete, consume the isolated one!
There are several other supplements like BCAA, EAA, and PRE WORKOUT. You being newbies don't need any of them. When you get consistent (i.e. 4-5 months) you can opt for Body Sensation's EAA as they are the essential amino acids that stimulate the natural protein synthesis of our body. After that, You can opt for Body Sensation's pre-workout elevator if you do intense workouts.
- Muscle Gain: If you have joined the gym for muscle gain, then you must know you should first work on the bulk side as there are two types of muscle gain : (shredding, and bulk) Shredding, in simple words, mean less amount of fat and more of the muscle mass. But that's only possible when you have a high amount of muscle mass. For that- you should start the strength training and keep separate days for individual muscles. But something which is even more necessary is your supplement. It depends upon people whether they opt for mass gainers or whey protein. Both are available in a wide range of Body Sensation supplements. But make sure you consume at least the double amount of protein (in grams) of your Bodyweight.
- Strength: Now, if you are at the gym to gain strength. Remember one thing "the pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow". For gaining strength, you must do a mix of powerlifting and strength training. Start from a lesser weight and increase it accordingly with time. Strength training is a type of workout which leads to fat loss as well as muscle gain at the same time. Nutrition and proper knowledge of supplements are required. if you are working on your strength, make sure you consume a mix of carbs+proteins+fats.
In strength training, BODY SENSATION'S PRE WORKOUT is really necessary because you require a lot of energy. If we talk about other supplements, again it's Whey Protein is helpful. ( The more protein you consume, the more your muscles will heal, and the more will you exceed in lifting)
Also, consider taking BODY SENSATION BCAA as an intra-workout fuel because it really stimulates muscle recovery and also helps you avoid any injury. If you are new at the gym, it will take time for you to come in the right form and posture, within this time, the chances of minor or even major injuries increase by 50%.
Body Sensation's Glutamine is another supplement that is a must-use product as it helps in maintaining muscle protein and at the same time helps in muscle gain and fat loss too.